Original Poll 2.1 – Students in Mock Elections

Even though Election Day isn’t over, students across the country have been taking part in mock elections, and have already counted their votes. Student mock elections have had luck in picking the winner in the last six out of seven presidential elections. This blog has performed a poll of students within classes, cafés, and dining halls near the campus of Texas…… Continue reading Original Poll 2.1 – Students in Mock Elections

Her Emails & His Misogyny

  Here we find ourselves, ladies and gentlemen, on Election Day Eve. The road thus far has had many speed bumps for our candidates, Clinton and Trump. How we got here has been a nightmare for some, a reality show-like entertainment venue for others, and  ‘something you’d just expect to see in these modern times’ for…… Continue reading Her Emails & His Misogyny

For Girls Like My Sisters, For Women Like Me.

I have written several posts here praising Michelle Obama for her elegance and loveliness during her time as first lady. With Hillary on verge of an outcome that would be no less historic than the election of Obama, I am both excited and horrified. I have looked forward to seeing a true First, First Lady in the…… Continue reading For Girls Like My Sisters, For Women Like Me.

The Final Countdown

Do do do doooooo, do do dododooooo Okay, I’m done. Seriously though, there’s not even a week left till the election. The race for president has tightened since mid-October: Hillary Clinton now leads Donald Trump by three points nationally. At this late date, few voters say they might change their minds. Read: Five days to go: The presidential race…… Continue reading The Final Countdown

The Voting Dead

The issue of voter fraud has taken center stage this week after Donald Trump declared at the third debate that he would wait until Election Day before deciding whether to accept the election results. While vice presidential candidate Mike Pence said the ticket will “absolutely accept the result of the election,” Trump still pointed to Texas…… Continue reading The Voting Dead

“I will keep you in suspense.”

It started off well enough. Trump, presented with one final chance to arrest his free-falling candidacy, began with a credible impersonation of a standard-issue GOP candidate, leveling effective charges against Hillary Clinton’s failures as a senator and secretary of state. His mien was presidential, his aim steady, his voice a buttery baritone. Then, about a…… Continue reading “I will keep you in suspense.”

Third Times A Charm

Trump and Clinton’s third 2016 presidential debate From 9:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. (E.T.) tomorrow Trump and Hillary will have it out for the third and final time, moderated by Chris Wallace. The last debate between Clinton and Trump had a viewership of 66.5 million people, down from the record-breaking 84 million viewers who watched…… Continue reading Third Times A Charm

The State of the Union

Information gathered from Politico TRUMP: Humiliation deepens and his personal brand is further tarnished, he seems intent only on degrading American politics and exacting revenge on the media he believes are conspiring to prevent him from winning the White House. Feeling “unshackled” to let loose amid a spate of Republican disavowals and an aggregation of polling…… Continue reading The State of the Union

Presidential Debate #2

The first question about how children are seeing this election is an EXCELLENT question. Hillary answers the question, while Trump starts talking about borders and debt… WHAT? The next thing brought up (of course) was Trump’s video and he DENYS what he said. “No I have not.”  -Trump about ‘grabbing pussy’ < The face I made at…… Continue reading Presidential Debate #2